Our Work.
It is estimated that 12 people below the age of 35 die every week in the UK from undiagnosed heart conditions, many of them with no prior symptoms.
Source - The British Heart Foundation
Since 2018, Jay’s Aim has been on a mission to reduce this number; with the help of generous supporters like you, we’re starting to make a difference..

Jay’s Aim provides free-to-attend CPR and defibrillator training throughout South-West England.
What we’ve achieved so far…
Number of young
people trained in
Number of
Number of cardiac
screening appointments

The purpose of Jay’s Aim is to prevent young people dying from undiagnosed heart conditions in South-West England. We believe that the most powerful tool at our disposal is increased public awareness, so we work hard to promote wider knowledge and understanding of little-known cardiac conditions and their symptoms.
Unfortunately, we can't predict when someone is going to have a sudden cardiac arrest, or choose who is going to be with them when it happens. However, we can try to educate as many people as possible about what to do in an emergency; with this in mind, Jay’s Aim provides free-to-attend CPR and defibrillator training throughout South-West England.
After a cardiac arrest, every minute without CPR and defibrillation reduces someone’s chance of survival. Jay’s Aim has provided public access defibrillators (PADs) in more than 140 locations throughout South-West England. By providing these PADS, we hope to increase the likelihood of a defibrillator being available in an emergency cardiac-arrest situation.
Book a training session
Our training sessions are designed to be fun, combining a hands-on, interactive approach with up-to-the minute technology.
Public Access Defibrillators
Jay’s Aim is trying to establish the areas most in need of a defibrillator in South-West England. If you would like to apply for a defibrillator for your sports club, place of education or other area where you exercise or socialise.
We provide a free to use defibrillator loan scheme. The scheme allows sports clubs, schools, businesses and community groups to loan a defibrillator from Jay's AIM for any one off events that you may be running.
Unfortunately, as a growing charity it’s not always possible to fund all of the PAD applications we receive. However, as a non-profit organisation we are able to offer market-leading equipment at much lower prices than commonly found elsewhere.
To keep up to date with the latest news from Jay’s Aim, follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.