CPR & Defibrillator Training.


Unfortunately, we can't predict when someone is going to have a sudden cardiac arrest, or choose who is going to be with them when it happens.


However, we can try to educate as many people as possible about what to do in an emergency; with this in mind, Jay’s Aim provides free-to-attend CPR and defibrillator training (known as CPR/AED training) throughout South-West England. Our goal is to train as many young people as possible - and the people who support them - in CPR and defibrillator use, so that they can be confident in an emergency situation.

If a defibrillator is used and effective CPR is performed within 3-5 minutes of cardiac arrest, survival chances increase from 6% to 74%

Source - The British Heart Foundation


Training sessions.


The Jay’s Aim team will travel to sports clubs, businesses or places of education whenever possible, and we can deliver training in just 60 minutes.

Our training sessions are designed to be fun, combining a hands-on, interactive approach with up-to-the minute technology. We’ve learnt from participant feedback that it’s important to give each member of a class their own mannequin when practising CPR, rather than requiring them to share, as this helps to boost confidence and also fosters a more relaxed atmosphere during the session. As such, we make sure that every participant in a Jay's Aim training session is given a ‘Preston Ultralite’ full-sized mannequin to work with; we have access to 35 of these mannequins, ensuring that we can offer effective sessions even for larger groups of young people.

Our training sessions cater for all learning styles, mixing face-to-face teaching with short interactive films. We also aim to keep participants engaged by demonstrating a range of the latest equipment, including a ‘light up’ Brayden CPR mannequin which demonstrates how effective ly CPR delivers oxygenated blood to the brain and other vital organs. In addition, several of the different defibrillator training processes give participants the chance to experience first-hand the slight variations between the leading brands of defibrillator.

Because we understand that not everyone is still in education, or a member of a sports club, we also hold CPR/AED training sessions in central locations whenever possible. These events are subject to demand, but usually we try to hold one of these training sessions every 2-3 months.


“Only 1 in 10 victims of cardiac arrest survive in the UK; however in Norway, where every school pupil learns CPR, 1 in 4 people survive.”

The British Heart Foundation


Book a session for an individual.

Please don’t put off learning this life-saving skill; book your session today and join the thousands of young people who have already trained with Jay’s Aim. Simply fill out the form below. We will then email you to let you know the date and location of the next session in your area.

Book a group session.

To book a group session please email us by clicking the button below. In your email please include what type of establishment you are, how many people need our training and where you would like the training to take place? We will get back to you shortly.